Wednesday, July 12, 2017

ONE IDEA Can Change Your Life

You know more thank you think.  Since you were little you have been learning new things everyday. Everyone has a passion for something, a hobby or a life experience that can help or teach others in the future.

Think of all the news you read, the stories you hear, you are still learning from others constantly. So why not use the knowledge you have, and turn it into a tool you can use to help people.

Speaking-up and sharing what you know can be fruitful in many ways.  Even if you are not an expert, you should share what yo know.  Regularly sharing what you know trains you to become a spokesperson, a trainer, and eventually an expert.

Every interaction you have with another person is a chance to make a difference in that person’s life. Every piece of information you have about the world is unique to you. The more you share this information with others, the more others will share information with you. In addition, when you share information, you will be sought out by others.

Speak-up and share. You learn better by teaching others. You can share what you know, in person or on Social Media. Even if you have an audience of zero, speak-up, start broadcasting or blogging to share the knowledge you're learning. You don’t have to have a big audience-following to share that knowledge, and neither  do you have to be an expert.  You'll reap the benefits in your own learning progress, regardless of whether you're helping others (yet) or not. Eventually, you’ll grow an audience and eventually be seen as an expert.

Sharing your knowledge will make your life really unique and worthwhile, because sharing has a certain unique magic of its own. If you share an idea with 10 different people, they get to hear it once but you get to hear it 10 timesgetting you even better and well-rehearsed over-and-over... for the future. Share ideas with people around you --- whether they be your family, friends, fellow-employees, your colleagues.  They may just respectfully listen, maybe quietly disagree, or uncomfortably wait for you to finish up with your "litany"; however they may think, one thing will be clear: you get to rehearse and slowly fully crystallize your ideas.  And, when the time is ripe, with the right audience, you can present that idea systematically and more clearly.

We're all looking for transformation for our new life — the new life tomorrow, this month, this year, next year.  If you share with someone else, they could be transformed.  On top of that, the person who speaks could be transformed, too. 

Skills and passion are only achieved 
through practice and commitment.  
Speak-up and share.  


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ONE IDEA Can Change Your Life

You know more thank you think.  Since you were little you have been learning new things everyday. Everyone has a passion for something, a...